Welcome to the

Video Education Library

Knowledge The Greatest Gift

What We Do

Office Services - Video Education Library

Here you will find educational videos available to anyone who wants to view them. Due to the content matter of certain videos, some are only accesible internally through the Partners Network. The Video Education Library was created for the use of learning and teaching individuals in their different fields.

If you are interested in videos that feature stories about Brigham and Women's patients and staff, please visit our YouTube Channel

Looking to Schedule a Live Stream or a Recording?

Send us an email and discuss with us your needs...


Weekly and Monthly Live Streams

Here are upcoming External live streams. If you are interested in the internal streams please click here

Orthopedic Grand Rounds

Bornstein Amphatheater
7am - 8am | Wednesday

Medicine Grand Rounds

Bornstein Amphatheater
8am - 9am | Friday

If you have any questions or are interested in any of the videos on the website please email us